Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 12.121 (63.)
Tribe: -Bi-

Villages (9) Coordinates Points
Rome 001
480|537 8.472
Rome 002
484|533 3.840
Rome 003
482|536 1.128
Rome 004
482|535 1.414
Rome 005
481|535 2.047
Rome 006
484|545 589
Rome 007
481|539 340
Rome 008
482|539 534
Rome 009
529|542 53
Personal picture
Personal text
Veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered)

The best swordsman does not fear the second best. He fears the worst since there's no telling what that idiot is going to do

Michael Trott He’s is my brother in real life an attack on him is an attack on my self.
Feel free to poke the bear
Click the Link

Victory achievements
Master of Speed

You won 1 Speed Round.