Map Ranking

Soldiers of Fortune

Tribe name:Soldiers of Fortune
Number of members:18
Points of the best 25 players304.404
Total points:304.404
Average points:16.911
Opponents defeated: 1.058.956 (10.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Tea Baggins 1 100,924 67 17
BIG MAN BOS 2 34,449 101 7
BASHBASHSMASH 3 33,558 103 10
gusscatt 4 23,792 116 6
ginajiki 5 21,444 121 6
EvilSnooby 6 13,569 146 5
eccosse 7 11,922 154 5
cunny 8 10,544 165 4
Who0 9 10,160 169 2
a m hartley 10 10,159 170 3
deBrus 11 7,024 202 4
Lisamom 12 6,666 208 3
knightjackal 13 5,075 238 2
jarekkk93 14 3,939 276 1
huntale 15 3,839 279 1
kytte 16 3,466 295 1
beanie77773 17 2,339 339 2
Manicme01 18 1,535 381 3
SOF was founded by ginajiki. If you have questions please contact ginajiki.

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