Map Ranking

The Fellowship

Tribe name:The Fellowship
Number of members:16
Points of the best 25 players126.888
Total points:126.888
Average points:7.931
Opponents defeated: 127.496 (33.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
lordTomas 1 25,472 112 10
Silverwood 2 20,827 122 5
jamie19191919 3 16,309 134 5
Zillion 4 14,451 142 3
unknownsoldier99 5 13,761 145 3
TonySuccess 6 11,743 153 4
NuggzyMalone 7 7,604 196 3
tarzan302 8 3,526 299 3
DaNorm 9 2,846 336 1
Ursus 10 2,206 364 1
NDJkiller 11 2,174 368 1
louxs 12 1,868 380 1
aylaserenity 13 1,591 406 1
Thorin 14 1,489 410 1
Eifla 15 995 449 1
Ollie.m1 16 26 669 1
HOBBIT was founded by Silverwood. If you have questions please contact Silverwood.

Just a fellowship for those that enjoy all things Lord of the Rings.

So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides that of evil.