Map Ranking

Error 405

Tribe name:Error 405
Number of members:24
Points of the best 25 players337.515
Total points:337.515
Average points:14.063
Opponents defeated: 95.712 (20.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Jamacina 1 47,157 55 10
Jango- 2 30,952 78 10
sycho 3 29,848 82 6
joshyy1862 4 26,293 89 8
Vinchenzo1994 5 20,910 106 12
Knight Ed 6 17,542 115 4
Swiper 7 14,853 127 7
Conteh 8 14,746 128 4
ycy01 9 14,585 130 5
TTT123 10 14,446 131 6
rytasd 11 13,380 133 5
Gardenshed30 12 12,798 135 4
BobandDunk 13 11,650 141 4
Nags 14 10,792 145 6
SchwarzeGurke 15 10,727 146 7
Melenios2Win 16 7,951 164 4
m14 ebr 17 6,126 175 3
morty 18 6,118 176 3
Lord buttercup 19 5,719 181 3
LittleHarris09 20 5,658 183 2
Vicodin 21 4,751 191 3
jackstez63 22 4,474 195 3
Branko Boskovic 23 3,102 239 1
nutzmutz 24 2,937 247 1
405 was founded by Jango-. If you have questions please contact Jango-.

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